A Smiling Revenant, encaustic on panel, 42 x 39 cm, 2021 / 43
Ice bear in the cave, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021 / 42
He & She, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021 / 41
La Palma 21, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021 / 40
Oh, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 39
Out of the fog, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 38
Step by step, copying on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm, 2021_1
Living Art, on wood, 35 x28 cm, 2021 / 37
Don´t forget R & B, ....on wood, 35 x 28 cm, 2021 / 36
Brilliant white, charcoal on porcelain, 50 x 30 cm, 2021 / 35
Modern Janus, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 34
A Dialog with ..., encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 33
We are the winners, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 32
Deep in the sea, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 31
Thunderstorm in his Head or Janus and one side is missing, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 30
the crying teddy, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 29
Dystopisch, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021, 28
Rumpelstilzchen's bottom is burning, encaustic on wood, 42 x 39 cm, 2021,27
Accidental contact, encaustic, 30 cm, 2021, 26
Dodo, ink on paper, 50 x 40 cm, 2021, 25
Venus with the sun in the back, ink on paper, 52 x 42 cm, 2021, 24
No doctor knife, ink on paper, 52 x 42 cm, 2021, 23
Waiting for, ink on paper, 52 x 42 cm, 2021, 22
Corona road, copying-ink on paper, 20 x 36 cm, 2021, 21
The modest artist, copying-ink on paper, 52 x 42 cm, 2021, 20
In memory of May, 12, 1921, Everybody is an artist or Munch meets Beuys, 2021, 19
Last message from the tax office, copying-ink on paper, 52 x 42 cm, 2021, 18
It doesn`t stop, encaustic on Al-sheet, 30 x 18 cm, 2021, 17
The third day, pigment/wax, on Al sheet, 39 x 18 cm, 2021, 16
Straight or precise, indian ink on paper, 50 x 36 cm, 2021, 15
The golfer, indian ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm, 2021, 14
No more three steps, encaustic on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm, 2021, 13
She speaks again with him, encaustic on paper, 30 x 21 cm, 2021, 12
Speak no evil, see no evil, think no evil, wood, 40 x 24 x 16 cm, 2021, 11
In dissolution, pigment / wax on Al scheet, 53 x 18 cm, 2021, 10
Reproducible? encaustic, 38 x 21 cm, 2021, 9
Le dernier cri, wood, 50 x 55 x 8 cm, 2021, 8
Charlie & Charlie & Charlie discussing the case, bronze, 3 x (15 X 10 x 11 cm), 2021, 7/ 1, 2, 3
Risen, acrylic on canvas, 90 x60 cm, 2021, 6
Hand of God, wood, 50 x 11x 10 cm, 2021, 5
Charlie, Plastiline, 15 x 10 x 10 cm, 2021, 4
Once upon the time, W and shellac on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2021,3
Melanchology, copying on paper, 27,9 x 21 cm, 2021/2